Career in Forex and Treasury Management
When looking for a job in today’s corporate sector, a specialized MBA can land you in the most high profile and exciting job profiles in the world trade. Today, one of the best places for the same is Forex and Treasury Management. It is one of those jobs where stakes are high and therefore remunerations,...
Lucaritive Career options after MBA in finance
By the time the MBA course near its completion, it is a mixed bag feeling. On one side, one feel really happy about finishing the studies with good credentials and on other side one feel worried a little for the career move. Most campuses hosts few good companies which hand pick the finest talent however...
Creating your Career in Media and Animation
A billion dollar industry that had created a buzz throughout the world is Animation. It is the fastest emerging form of media which has a great scope of employment for those who are creative enough to prove their skills in it. From a simple flip book to animated stories, animation involves a lot of work...
Career options for science students
Students graduating with science from schools and colleges have ocean of opportunities in front of them. It is only their interest and aptitude which would restrict them from pursuing any career. Range of options have only increased for Science students these days as new technologies have given rise to new and lucrative options like telecom...
How to find a Government job in India??
A government job once found is doubtlessly a tension-free lifetime vocation. But how many us succeed to get a suitable government job ? The answer lies in elaboration of its causes that make you win or lose the chance for the same. Now, here are some suggestions for a candidate to get through and successfully...
Why Do Start-ups Fail
With government’s focus on ‘Make in India’ initiatives, sluggish job market, high aspirations of individuals, low patience level of majority of people in their respective jobs, desire to have control in their own hands, wide options for arranging finance for the idea in hand, etc. people are actually getting inclined to become entrepreneurs, i.e. the...
Aspire to Become a Finance professional in India
Finance as a Profession Of all the professions that deal with business, marketing or manufacturing, finance seems to be the most stable. We are particularly concerned about this angle of looking into professions because recently advances in technology and changes in economic conditions have brought about a huge turmoil in the employment scenario. Not that...
Show your love for numbers with career as Business Analyst
If you are a graduate or post graduate with your interest in the functional areas like Accounts, finance and auditing, then you can spear ahead in your career as a Business Analyst. Business analyst are also termed as Financial analyst or Financial planning executive in various organization. Job profile As a business analyst, you need...